The Shopper's-Calculator, Created by David Alderoty, November, 2008. This calculator is useful for checking how much you were charged, and to determine how much purchases will cost you.  The calculator is very easy to use, but if you need instructions, or what a printer friendly, or an Excel version, scroll down.

     If you have any suggestions or comments, contact me at, or you can left click on the following: Website Communication Form.  For a list of my other websites left click on the following link:


Enter the Sales Tax, if any Enter the Discounts, if any  
Your Total Cost is
Name of Item Price of Item
$ Total with discount, but without sales tax
$ Total, without sales tax and discounts


For a printer friendly version of the
Shopper's-Calculator, left click on these words
Excel Version of The Shopper's-Calculator


You can download an Excel version of the Shopper's-Calculator, by left clicking on a blue link, bellow:


Click here for Excel version


Click here for a reusable Excel template version


With the Excel template version you can save your results, each time you do a calculation, in an Excel Worksheet, by saving with a new file name.  The Excel version works the same as the web version, except you press the enter key to obtain the calculated result.  However, to use the Excel version you must have Microsoft Excel and Windows.




Instructions on How to Use the Shopper's-Calculator


To use the calculator, simply enter the cost of each item below the words: Price of Item.  Optional, you can also enter the name of each item, under the heading Name of Item.  If there is sales tax on your item(s), enter the percentage of the tax under the words: Enter the Sales Tax, if any.  If there is a discount in terms of percent, enter it under the words: Enter the Discounts, if any.  To obtain your result, left click on the calculation button, or on the tan background, or press the Tab key. Your result will appear on the upper right of your screen, in red.    You will also see calculated results below this: Total with discount, but without sales tax. Bellow this you will see: Total, without sales tax and discounts.  When there is no sales tax or discounts the three calculations will be identical.


Subtraction with the Shopper's-Calculator

If you want to subtract your expenses from your available funds, enter your expenses with a minus sign next to each item,  such as rent $ -1200.  Enter your funds without any sign.  




